Have you been looking for a way to make some extra money that’s real, honest and legitimate? Becoming a mystery shopper may be the answer that you have been looking for. There are tons of reputable mystery shopping companies that are looking for everyday people to review local businesses in their community. Here are five that may be worth checking out.
1. Confidential Consumer formerly known as Phantom Shoppers prides themselves for having worked with over 500,000 secret shoppers since 2003. A few of the industries they serve are in the automotive, retail, fine and casual dining, fast food and hotel fields. To sign up with this company, you can click here.
2. Hendrickson Business Advisors, LLC are looking for mystery shoppers who will tell them the truth about how they were treated either face to face, online, or on the telephone. They serve a variety of businesses in the gas station, convenience store and retail industries. To join their team of shoppers, you may do so here.
3. Interactions Marketing has been in operations since 1998 and they pride themselves in representing some of the world’s top brands such as General Mills, Baskin Robbins and Anheuser-Busch. If you would like to find out more about this mystery shopping company, contact them here.
4. Greenhouse Marketing and Communications is a Canadian company who are currently looking for mystery shoppers in the provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Quebec. They serve senior living facilities and are looking for shoppers to visit, call and inquire about their clients. If this sounds interesting, you can apply for the position here.
5. Person to Person Quality is based out of Fairfax, VA and they offer mystery shopping assignments in the automotive, banking, insurance, and travel services. Their shops are offered in all of the 50 United States and pride themselves in having the best mystery shoppers in the industry. To join their team, click here.