Finding a legitimate way to make extra cash doesn’t have to be difficult. The good news is that we have already “been there, done that” so we know there are really great mystery shopping companies worth signing up with and working for. Here are 5 new mystery shopping companies to check out in no particular order.
- mVentrix, Inc. is a California-based company that are looking for “market intelligence representatives,” better known as “mystery shoppers.” mVentrix is looking for reps in both the United States and Canada. Their assignments range anywhere from $10 to $30 each. To join this company, click here.
- Second to None, Inc. has been in the mystery shopping industry for over 30 years and represent some of the top brands in the world. Some of the industries they serve are automotive, banking, hotels, restaurants and tourism. If you would like to sign up with this company, you may do so here.
- North Fork Research is currently looking for new mystery shoppers. According to their website, they offer various retail based assignments and employ thousands of mystery shoppers. Their website is very user-friendly and easy to navigate through. To reach out to this company, click here.
- Quest for Best is a company offering mystery shopping opportunities in 40 States, concentrating in the Midwestern and Southwestern US regions. Some of the assignment types available are conducted by phone, the internet, and through both audio and video recording devices. Sound good? Join here.
- Six Star Solutions seems like a fun company to perform mystery shops for. Their website is quick and easy to navigate through and they’re eagerly looking for new mystery shoppers. Some of the industries they offer assignments in are hotel stays, restaurants, retail, grocery and more. So, if you’re looking for a fresh opportunity, click here.