
A short note…

Over the past couple of weeks, both Jacques and I have begun to receive emails from readers wanting to apply for shops that are reviewed in Mystery Shopper Magazine and the letters are usually along the lines of “Please sign me up for…”

We are not schedulers. We are also not mystery shopping company (MSC) owners. We are shoppers, just like you. Jacques and I take some time from our schedules each week to review Mystery Shopping Companies and assignments as a way to help inform shoppers of opportunities that are out there.  Compay reviews will usually have a link to the company’s website. Assignment reviews will generally have a list of companies that perform those kinds of shops, unless they are unique to one MSC. In that case, our ICA’s will prohibit disclosing the MSC that does the shop.

When we discuss a particular MSC, there is generally a link to the MSC’s website. Occasionally we review a company that doesn’t have a website. In those instances you’ll have to find the company the same way we did—through good old fashioned hard work.

Jacques and I are shoppers just like you are. We don’t own any MSC’s or scheduling services. We don’t have any “pull” to help a shopper get a job. On the other hand, if you have a question that you would like an answer to, please don’t hesitate to write and we’ll see about answering it in the pages of Mystery Shopper Magazine.

In short, if you want to get started with mystery shopping assignments, just register with the companies that we review on this site.

Questions, comments, or thoughts about this article? Email the author: james@mysteryshoppermagazine.com

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