Aaron Murdoch

Get Paid to Watch a Boxing Class with Mystery Shopping

Health, fitness, and staying in shape is probably more popular now than it’s been ever before. Everywhere you look we are bombarded with television commercials, radio advertisements and billboards promising you a rock hard body by simply signing up for a gym membership. I mean it’s really that easy to turn your physique into one of that resembling a Greek god, right?


A recent posting on the Mystery Shop Forum has featured an exciting boxing club assignment that anyone can take advantage of. First, the client wants shoppers to call the facility to judge how the call was answered and ask about the possibility of taking a boxing class. Shoppers will be pretending to be in the market for joining a new gym and take a brief tour if possible.


This boxing club mystery shop involves taking a few pictures of the outside of the facility and the display racks holding the merchandise that the company is selling. If the employee does not offer you an opportunity to take a class, ask. Hand wraps should be provided to you at no cost, however, if they still want payment, object to see how they handle the situation. If the employee still asks for payment, don’t participate – simply observe the class.


Some of the areas offering this mystery shop are located in California, Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. To learn more about this interesting mystery shopping opportunity click here.




Your Comments:

  1. Tracy Wheeler says:

    I am interested in mystery shopping. Please contact asap.

    • Tammy says:

      You have to sign up for different companies. An easy way to do this is to download the app gig spot. It will let you create a profile and then you sign each companies individual agreement. Have a PayPal account established because most companies pay through PayPal. Never cash any huge checks and send money to anyone! That’s not how it works! There are a few legit western union shops but they do not send you money in advance. Try http://www.intelli-shop.com as a starting point. I’ve done a lot of shops for them and the car shops do not require you to spend any money.(Unless it’s an oil change or service shop.) Always read all the instructions on how to do a shop to avoid a rejected shop. In the past 5 years I’ve only had one shop rejected and it was my fault because I didn’t read the updated requirements and didn’t ask to speak to a manager at a restaurant.