Mystery shopping gives independent contractors the ability to not only make some extra money but to also reap the rewards of receiving free goods and services also. I think all of our fellow mystery shoppers can agree that we rely heavily on the use of our personal vehicles to get us to work, school, and of course, our mystery shopping destinations. Based on my experience, it always seems like it was just last month that I had the oil in my car changed. Those three thousand miles traveled sneaks up on me every time.
In order to financially get the most out of today’s mystery shopping opportunity, you will want to choose the “Standard Signature” oil change. Shoppers will be reimbursed up to $45 along with a $5 bonus as a thank you for participating. This is a great deal because you may also use a coupon towards the oil change, up to any value. The greater the savings, the greater the amount of cash money in your pocket.
The client states that shoppers can use vehicles that are 12 years old and under. However, if your car is older than that, give the service station a call and ask them if they have your oil filter in stock. If they do, you’re in luck, you can still have your oil changed after all. For more information about this awesome free oil change opportunity, click here for more details. This mystery shop is available in many states across the country so check it out today to see if there is one available near you.
This is a great opportunity for needed maintenance, I got one in my city that paid 45$ as well as 75$ reimbursement for the oil change!All I had to do was get my car approved by the project scheduler.
I own a VW Jetta SE. 2011.
My car requires different kind of oil, which means it costs me around $100 per oil change. Will you company pay that much??